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Re: Animation Art Survey ( for an informative speech ) ^_^ (Wed Oct 16 04:21:26 2002 )
tenzink [View profile ]

1.) Country = Canada
2.) Mostly Escaflowne and Gatchaman (so anime), 
also Bakshi and some Warner Bros. But much much 
less from the latter two.
3.) Majority is definitely production cels... 
4.)fave characters/shows:
Esacflowne: Dilandau
Trigun, Lord of the Rings, Gatchaman (NOT 
KEN! :P)
Can't say as I want much else... and actually 
follow through and buy ^^ 
5.) Hard one! Uhm, I look for the character to 
be in a definite pose, no strange lines 
distorting the face. Sometimes, the scene might 
have moved me in the show. I have gotten very 
selective concerning price as well.
6.) Online dealers, individuals selling on ebay, 
7.) $300 US. But thats much better than in the 
past ^^;
8.) Five years
9.) I really don't want to answer this ... but 
for some of the answer, it was over $1500 and it 
wasn't for me ^^ My own purchases go below $1k
10.) Beats drugs! LOL 
No seriously... uhm. Its something I enjoy, 
unlike some hobbies most of the time you can get 
out of it without losing your cash (well.. not a 
whole lot at any rate), and its a unique memento 
from things that inspire you, make you laugh, or 
make you think 'Its MINE! ALL MINE!'
...yeah. Definitely that last one ^^

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