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Re: Animation Art Survey ( for an informative speech ) ^_^ (Wed Oct 16 01:41:43 2002 )
Ms. Poe [View profile ]

Aaaahhh...Isn't it great when you hear your 
teacher give you a topic that's right down your 
alley ^_^?  Here's all my answers:

1)  What country do you live in?  

~United States.

2)  What do you predominantly collect, Western ( 
Disney, WB, Bluth, Film Roman, etc. ) or Eastern 
( Anime ) animation art?

~Anime(Eastern Art).

3)  What makes up the majority of your 
collection?  Production Cels, Sketches, Gengas, 
Storyboards, etc?

~Production Cels make up the majority of my 

4)  What shows/movies/characters do you 
predominantly collect?

~I don't have one primary charater/show I collect 
from, but I'd say X/1999 is my biggest collected 

5)  When selecting your pieces, what do you 
generally look for?  ( close-ups, action poses, 
character interactions, etc. )

~I generally look for the overall emotion of the 
scene.  I also look for really detailed cels, as 
well as rare cels/shots/etc.

6)  Where do you get the majority of your 
animation art?  ( Online Anime shops, Online 
Anime dealers, local comic stores, local anime 
shops, local animation art galleries ).

~Online Anime shops/Auction Sites

7)  On the average, about how much do you spend 
on animation art a month?

~Oooooooo...I used to spend around or above $400 
a month on cels ^^;!

8)  How long have you been collecting?

~About 8 years now I believe.

9)  What is the most you have ever paid for one 
piece?  What show/character was it?

~That would be my Faye Valentine cel from Cowboy 
Bebop.  I bought her for around $800 from 
Mandarake at Anime Expo 2002.

9)  Why do you collect animation art?  What draws 
you to it?
~Just the sheer beauty in some of the production 
work.  You own an original piece of artwork from 
your favorite show/scene/character.  

Good Luck on your speech!!!

~Ms. Poe


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