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Re: Animation Art Survey ( for an informative speech ) ^_^ (Wed Oct 16 04:11:05 2002 )
rekka [View profile ]

1)  USA

2)  Anime only

3)  Production cels

4)  Ryo from Samurai Troopers, Teppei from B't 
X, Adol from Ys II OVA, and Touya from Gulkeeva.

5)  Depends, normally whatever I think looks 
like a good shot, or is from a particularily 
likeable scene.  BGs are always a plus, if 
they're matching!

6)  When I was in Japan, I mostly got stuff from 
Mandarake; actually going to the store to buy 
cels.  But that was only for the 10 months that 
I was there.  Besides that, the only other way 
for me to get cels is online.  

7)  ~$40-100

8)  I forget exactly, but I think I've been 
collecting for at least 4-5 years.

9)  $500, Ryu Soma from Argento Soma.  It's 
actually for sale if anyone is interested.  lol

9)  I don't really know, maybe the 
collectability of it, how you can add to the 
numbers of stuff that you have, organize them 
really neatly online, and be able to say you own 
your most favorite scene from an anime ever-- 
there's lots of reasons and not one of them 
predominate over another.  Plus, like many other 
addictive things, once you start, it's very, 
very difficult to quit.  I've been trying 
to "quit" for a while, but can't seem to do it!  
It's going to take something MAJOR to "help" me 
to quit.  I need the power to calm, the power to 
comfort, the power to quit!  lol  Naahhh!

Good luck with your speech!  I can fully 
understand what you're going through, as my mom 
actually teachs public speaking on the 
university level and debate, forensics, english 
on the HS level.  I hear all about it from her; 
and personally, anything that deals with getting 
up in front of a group of people... I HATE with 
a passion... can't do it, get WAY too nervous!  
So I hope this goes will for you, and hope 
you're not one of the nervous ones like me!!!  
=P  Let us know how it goes!!


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