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Re: What other stuff do you collect other than Anime cels? (Fri Jun 6 19:40:13 2003 )
emi [View profile ]


I think like most people here I have that 
collector gene...I just don't understand it when 
my friends say they've never had a collection of 
anything o_O  Ever since I was little I've 
always had some kind of collection.

Currently other than cels I have a huge 
collection of Ken Mizuki artwork and products.  
From the 500 piece puzzle to doujinshi to 
calenders to drama CDs just cause she did the 
cover artwork ^^  I even do have 1 cel (the only 
cel I've ever seen) from her only anime, a 2 
part OVA XD

I still have a rather large shitajiki collection 
too.  Oh and Nero Wolfe novels by Rex Stout, I'm 
trying to eventually track down every one he 
wrote, including the ones out of print.

-Emika >^.^<

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