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I've always been a collector of one thing or another... (Fri Jun 6 18:27:17 2003 )
summfox [View profile ]

I'm a chronic collector. This is my story.

I think the first thing I collected was X-Men 
comic books. So I've got a couple of those long 
boxes full of them. I grew out of that after 
awhile and I've got a whole stack that I had 
never even read or put into 'skin and bones'! 
(bad me!!)

Then I collected Sting and the Police stuff for 
the longest time. I've got a large stack of 
records, including probably the rarest one of 
them all (which is a black and white cover promo 
version of Synchronicity). And I've got a massive 
book collection as well.

Currently I just collect tons of fox things! I've 
got a bunch of fox stuff animals and little 
figures. My animal spirit is fox and I think 
everyone realizes that because they always give 
me lots of foxes as gifts. :) I'm like Kyou from 
Fruits Basket in that scene where all the kittens 
drape themselves over him, except with me, it's 
foxes! I'm expecting some fox netsuke and a 
reproduction woodblock print of foxes around a 
nettle tree soon.

I'm really enjoying looking around at netsuke, so 
I might start collecting them, but at first it 
would be limited to foxes. And if I had the 
money, I would definitely collect kimonos and the 
various accessories. 

My other collecting obsession is Sephiroth from 
Final Fantasy 7. I collect doujinshi that has him 
in it and I "collect" pictures off the internet 
and save them in a special folder. I must have 
300+ pictures of him by this point. But believe 
it or not I don't have a Sephy UFO doll yet, or 
that nice statue they released of him awhile 
back. But they're definitely on my list.

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