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Re: What other stuff do you collect other than Anime cels? (Fri Jun 6 16:52:34 2003 )
Yuuki [View profile ]

It's nothing super special really, but I collect 
manga ^^.  If I didn't spend all my money on cels 
I'm sure I'd have something like 300 manga ^^;; 
but as it stands I have 125 (and I can probably 
add another 50 to that count when I return from 
AX ^_^;;;).  I'm sure many people have much more 
manga than I do ._.; but I love it all the same ^^

I'm a sucker for pretty art, and since manga is 
loaded with art (for *gasp* a fairly decent 
price) it's won my heart over.  n_n most of it's 
CLAMP manga, but I can add stuff like VoH, Pon! 
to Chimera, DNAngel, Star Ocean... lalala... I 
can go on ^^;

If they were more redily accessable - I'd collect 
CD Singles as well ^^

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