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Re: Re: Biggest Cel Archive Ever! (Wed Jun 11 23:54:31 2003 )
darksuzaku [View profile ]

well, most of the people have already expressed
their opinion so there's no need for me to add
anything else.....

just a little remark... If it's true that you have
been a cel collector for 3 years (i want to
undertsnad it this way, not collecting cels images
during 3 years) then you should already know what
people thinks about other people taking the
pictures of their cels into someone else
gallery/archive or whatever you want to call
it...... and about the watermark..... please,
that's a lame excuse.... don't tell me that you
don't care taking other people's images and then
do care about people stealing your links... after
all they are just doing the same thing you do.

My recomanation, please take down that cel archive
and only place there your own cels.... If you
really want to make an archive just go and make
screencaps of every image you want..... A cel
gallery is not just a collection of pictures, it
has a lot of other values such as the sentimental
value for oneself and the will to share this
feeling with other people. If you really
understand this you should realize that a cel
archive like the one you placed is not only not
needed but also hurts other people.

Well, don't take this as anything personal, just
give it a deep thought and do whatever you think
is right.

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