Lets forget all the legal "mumbo-jumbo" for a
second...'cause it never gets that far anyway.
The fact that you are pissing a lot of people off
for a damn good reason by posting things that
don`t belong to you and being told about it,,
should be enough..for any reasonable thinking
person. It should be enough for you to refrain
from continuing this asinine behavior, if you are
the one doing this. Stop you dead in your
tracks..repent, take them down..etc. That is the
good thing about the Internet,,or it used to this
way before so many, non-computer geeks came
along..geeks have a code, a code of behavior that
doesn`t need "legalize" and that BS...let`s just
say, before so many people became a part of an
anarchy of space with no code of ethics or
behavior, people could get along...
It is called being considerate.
No one on this earth can really stop you from
being an ass-hole no matter how many times people
say that you are one, if you are really determined
to be one (an asshole that is). You can be a BIG
one here on the INTERNET. Super-Ass! with a brown
stained cape flying around leaving turds wherever
you go. And no one can really stop you...Isn`t
that the bad thing about the Internet? The very
freedoms and great things offered, can be turned
around and used for misbehavior...It's big
strengths is also its weakness..
DBZ collectors in this example like any fan of DBZ
need to be considered, if that is what you are
doing this for on a publicly accessible site.
Cel images are not cool to post without
permission from cel collectors FIRST. What is all
this if someone contacts me about crap? You need
to take all of it down and start over!
Isn't that hard to understand now is it? Now, to
say F'that, I will post stolen scans and whatever
else I find to be useful for my own selfish
desires is a lopsided way of looking at things
since the biggest fans of cels...are cel
collectors, and the biggest fans of DBZ cels are
DBZ cel collectors...Are you getting this? Now to
rape and pillage the very best fans to this
archive of cels by collecting their works without
authorization makes not one damn bit of sense.
Did you think people would be happy to see all of
their cels lifted and put into your site? "Hey,
guys look! I have all of your stolen images over
here!! Aren`t you excited ^-^"? Gimme a break
please! At least you are good enough to discuss
the matter I give you that. And you have
considered what you have done..point 2. You have
even offered to take down images that shouldn`t be
there in the first place, if someone contacts you
about them, good pt.3. But, it still is not enough
to be a good samaritan, if that is what you want
to be. Be a great friend of DBZ cel collectors and
take them all down, tell them where they can find
the rest, and start over. Maybe if enough pissed
off collectors contact the ISP maybe the site will
be asked to move, take down, or reaarange their
sites contents or share folders (wishful thinking?).
Tell me otherwise....I'll wait...please... |