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Re: Re: Re: Re: No they won't care... (Thu Jun 12 16:27:40 2003 )
Weyrlady (nli) [View profile ]

They won't?  Then why did CLAMP shut down several 
fansites that hosted artbook scans?  Why did I 
get an ISP to shut down a site that had copied 
nearly everything directly from my site?

Sites care because, you know, if some one gets 
pissed off enough about their images being 
stolen, it's very possible for them to take legal 
action against the ISP.  In fact, it may be 
easier to take it against the ISP that hosts 
those images than against the person that made 
the site, as it's easy enough to hide all 
personal/contact information from a site's 
vistors, but the ISP is generally easy to 
identify or contact.  Now personally, sure, it 
may be rather silly for some one to sue over 
stolen cel images, but the point is that it *is* 
possible.  And ISPs generally want to avoid legal 

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