Cels Forum

continued (Tue Jan 5 23:54:13 1999 )


Due to the treatment I have received from fuzz, it is unlikely 
that I will be willing to conduct business with any new dealers
or individuals anyway.  I have told Robby more than once that
I would continue to buy from new people until I got screwed,
so to everyone I haven't bought from, you can thank Fuzz
for the fact that I probably never will.

It is such a shame that people like him can ruin things for 
others.  Now, unless he continues to send me threatening
e-mail I won't say anything else on the subject.  I just 
sincerely hope that others will be able to avoid miserable
ordeals like this one.

What REALLY sucks is tomorrow is my birthay, and someone 
was gonna buy me that Reinhardt and now I have to find one
elsewhere.  Robby got me that really awesome open-eyed
Chichiri Yann had for my birthday though, so if I had to
be unable to get one, I am glad it wasn't this one!

Anyway, hope everyone's New Year has had a better start than

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