Cels Forum

Re: Re: Buyers BEWARE! (Thu Dec 31 00:00:39 1998 )

Well, I don't know...The cel numbers are written on the receipt!  I don't understand why he would only ship PART of
my order.  I actually had problems with him making my order too.  I asked which of the cels I
wanted were available and when he told me I said I wanted them.  He said okay and then the
next e-mail I asked for the total on them and he says he sold several of them. 

I LOVE Marmalade Boy though and it is my weakness (well, I've probably spent more on FY --
thanks to Yann!--) but when I see a MB I just HAVE to have it and he had a bunch of cels of
YUU.... of course it HAD to be my favorite one that he didn't send. 

HOPEFULLY he will eventually respond.  Of course if he does, and sends my cels I
paid for, then I will post that in the forum.  I don't want to ruin anyone's reputation, but I don't
want to see other collectors cheated either.  (Especially since most of us are on limited budgets
and really can't afford to pay for cels we don't get!) 

Happy Holidays!

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