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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you make of this? (Fri Jun 11 06:24:34 2004 )
Confused [View profile ]

Just an update, after putting pressure on her to 
answer why shenever todl me, she claimed she told 
me early on. That is not true and I challenged 
her to tell me when she did and if she has the 
email, here is her response:
I told you about the first email when you put a 
bid in on the cel, (the second email I might not 
have told you about, I don't remember) and you 
told me to ignore it. I also told you that I had 
sold the cel on more than one occassion. Did you 
check to make sure that you didn't over look one 
of them?

WoW I am shaking here with frustration. She 
either slanders me or adapts her stories. Told me 
she sold it?????? That is not only a lie but 
makes no sense considering she told me where to 
send her a M.O. and even told me to put her 
husbands name on it. This is outrageous. Also I 
even posted the email where she confessed. Did 
that email sound to you like she has told me 
before? I mean come on, why can't I get the 
truth. I am the one who got cheated and now I 
have to be slandered? Her story does not even 
make sense. Also the cel was sold June 1st, how 
did she tell me during the auction that it was 
sold if it wasn't even sold yet. Why would you 
not take the auction down if it was sold? Makes 
no sense and instead of working things out she is 
making them worse and wants people to email her 
so I can't defend myself. :(

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