There are a lot of people out there that read the
forum, and are very well educated in cels, and
the animation industry/practices that for various
reasons choose not to voice their opinions, or
only speak up at certain times. It sad to see
some of these people get flammed just because
they don't post 5 times a day, when in fact this
person may work inside an animation studio and
really knows what they are talking about. Or is
someone that has been collecting for 10+ years
and over time has amassed a wealth of knowledge
that from time to time they like to share, you
get the picture.
The most successfull boards I've seen deal with
stuff like this in one of two ways (both of which
require users to register): One is that a
certain title is given per the number of posts
from the user. So for every 50 posts (or some
arbitrary number) you get a different title, and
this denotes activity and typically more
knowledge on the subject. Major problem with
this method is that you get people that post
menial posts 5 times a day and can appear to have
some god-like avatar; when in fact they don't
know all that much about the topic of the board.
The other functions much along the same lines,
except the moderator(s) assign the titles to the
users, and some kind of system is created to move
upwards (usually in numbers of posts, or threads
created with responses, etc). The few boards
that I've seen like this have been very
successfull. When you see the "high ranking"
people posting they are almost without fail
totally accurate and also people will really
listen to what they have to say, even if they
only post maybe once a week or so. While these
boards are great to go to for information, there
is a lot of administrative overhead. Typically
there will be 6-12 moderators for the forum to
handle all the adminstrative work behind it and
maintain the level of quality. |