FAQs. . . I've been there. . . done that.
The type of newbie that refuses to lurk for even
48 hours or so is also the type who's not going
to read a FAQ.
I've been listowner of my Vampyres mailing list
for eight years or so now, a member for some time
before that. I remember when we came up with OUR
wonderful FAQ and Welcome Letter -- both meant to
discourage unwanted poser newbies who only wanted
somewhere to endlessly pretend they're actually a
vampire (usually an obnoxious one), or who wanted
to rave equally endlessly about Buffy (worse than
the former). ~_~
It made no difference. No matter how many rewrites
we put it through, how short we made it, how many
times it was reposted to the list. . . The type
of person it was REALLY intended for, deleted it
on sight and interrupted our conversations with
drivel regardless.
I doubt a FAQ here would make much more of a
difference. Heck, with some questions we've
gotten here, it's like that whole menu to the
side is invisible anyway. . . 9_9;;
Many Sharp Smiles,