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Re: Re: What are your thoughts on International shipping? (Tue Nov 12 10:46:03 2002 )
Yann Stettler [View profile ]

Continue using EMS from USA to europa at your own 
risk :

It's now handle (or will be in a few weeks) by
General Parcel. They charge a $20 fee to process
the packet at customs and they will often send 
back cels because they are painted and they 
consider that it's an artwork. (Which mean to them 
that they should get certifcate from the artist 
that painted them about the value, technic used as 
well as a whole bunch of papers needed for 
importing artwork)

EMS really only interesting from Japan as it's the 
only country where express mail is cheaper than 
regular airmail (for whatever reason)...

Yann Stettler

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