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Re: What do you think about cel prices being too high? (Mon Apr 7 17:03:36 2003 )
spinizuey nli [View profile ]

I usually feel bad for the person that actually 
pays the high price, thinking that what they are 
buying is actually worth the price they are 
paying. It's usually the non-regulars or newbies 
that are caught (and *exactly* what the seller is 
hoping for). 

Recently I found a wishlist genga set that I had 
tried winning on ebay about a year ago, on 
a "sellers" site. They priced it $200 more than 
they won it for on ebay. (they sniped me). It 
angers me that they bought most of what they are 
selling fairly "cheap".. KNOWING they would wait 
a while and sell it for an enormous profit later. 
Especially a "fly by night" seller too. tsk. 
Needless to say I won't be getting the genga . . 
wishlist or not. :/

So basically, I feel bad for the person paying 
the high price... 


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