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"values" (Tue Apr 8 00:15:42 2003 )
rekka [View profile ]

No, of course that wouldn't make you a bad 
person-- maybe I'm not articulating what I think 
here all that well because...I'm kinda leaving 
some pieces out...um, for the time being 
anyway.  heeeeeeh  Anyway, lemme see if I can 
add some more details here.  

Take for example a cel of Seiji from the Samurai 
Troopers TV series.  This is one of the main 
titles that I collect from...and I think I have 
a pretty good idea of what stuff is generally 
worth from this series, not putting personal 
values on it.  I'm just talking about what the 
particular shot is worth-- say a nice close up 
head shot from one of Seiji's chara building 
episodes or something like that.  This is what I 
take into consideration when putting a value to 
a cel (minus personal issues):  

1.) The grade of the shot; close up, trans 
scene, OP or ED, etc.
2.) Quality of image; dark trace lines, no 
chipping, matching/unstuck layers, background, 
3.) What specific series a cel comes from; TV vs 
OVA/Movie;  OVA cels are generally of better 
quality of animation than TV cels are

There's probably others to go with this list, 
but that's all I can think of right now.  As far 
as what it means to YOU to own a cel from a 
certain scene or character, this would just be 
another factor to up the "value" of a cel.  So 
in total, I think the "value" of a cel is 
determined by taking all of these things into 
consideration--INDIVIDUALLY.  If a one sells a 
cel, then any individualistic feelings toward a 
certain series should not be taken into 
consideration when putting a price to a cel-- 
that is for LESS KNOWN/POPULAR series.  This 
would probably be different for some of those 
more well known series like Gundam Wing, 
Escaflowne, Yu-gi-oh or something like that were 
MANY people are familiar with the series to 
throw supply and demand out of control.  It is 
these shows that I expect to have *naturally* 
high prices.  

Now, my whole argument is NOT with the popular 
series like the aformentioned series.  I mostly 
have an issue with people trying to sell cels 
from less popular series for ungodly amounts of 
money.  Take my example from before.  Say 
somebody has a cel of Seiji from the TV series 
for sale.  It's not a head shot; not from any 
special scene, OP, ED, trans; the quality of the 
cel isn't all that great, the trace lines are 
ok, but overall, it's not a to die for cel.  
Still given all these details, the seller still 
puts it up for sale at $115.  If an expert from 
this series (like me and several others lol) 
sees this happen, what other reaction would we 
have but simply to laugh?  OF COURSE the seller 
has the right to put whatever price on his cels 
that he wants.  But this is the thing: DO THEY 
it certainly might cel to a fanatic Seiji 
collector, and maybe that's the kind of 
collector that the seller is hoping for.  But if 
it does sell at those prices, every other fan of 
the series will simply laugh at the moron who 
gave way to such obviously overpriced, mediocre 
cel....  ^^;;

But above all, everyone has their own free will 
to do whatever they want, and I have nothing 
against that.  lol  I was just bored and had to 
laugh at some high prices from stuff that I know 
pretty well... well enough to know that it'd be 
beyond rediculous to pay those prices.  Maybe 
I'm the only one that thinks that.  lol  ^^;;

So maybe...some people should be bored more 
often to bring up topics like this that can be 
really thought about and discussed openly.  I 
think it's really good for everybody that we can 
even talk about obviously controversial issues 
about our hobby and yet remain friends through 
the end.  =D  Or maybe I'm making this more 
controversial than it really is.  lol


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