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Re: Hmm (Mon Apr 7 06:55:27 2003 )
blueheaven [View profile ]

I think you hit the crux of the problem. If 
people would stop buying these overpriced cels, 
then maybe the trend would change. Recently, a 
cel from a certain popular series was on sale on 
eBay for $1000. The next week, I saw a cel of the 
same characters, just from a different episode, 
sell for less(and it was a much better shot!). 
It's like the Gundam cel I told you about. It 
makes it tough for me because I collect that 
series. And when someone comes in and spends over 
$500 on a cel that to me is not worth a fraction 
of that, it makes sellers think they can gouge 
everyone for that price. Overpriced cels rarely 
sell, but when they do it definitely hurts us. I 
also think there are certain dealers out there 
who perpetuate this trend of marking up cels. I 
won't mention names, but you know who they are. 
That is why every time you visit their pages, 
they have the same cels listed every week. Noone 
with half a brain would buy them. And at the same 
time, they are RESPECTED for it! Hell, this 
dealer had a cel for sale from a series I 
collect. It was sold for $250! Now, I have a cel 
from the same show in the same situation(only it 
is from a much better epiisode and much better 
drawn), and do you think anyone would pay me $250 
for it. Hell no! And it's all because these 
sellers have convinced everyone that reputation 
is more important than quality and honesty.

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