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And here's another thought... (Mon Apr 7 07:01:01 2003 )
blueheaven [View profile ]

I have a lot of friends who collect the same 
shows that I do. Now, I bought my favorite Outlaw 
Star cel for $34. Since then, I've gotten offers 
of $350 on it. Now, if I were to turn and sell 
that cel for $400, would that make me a bad 

I don't think I could ever sell that cel, and for 
two reasons. First, I love it so much. And 
second, how could I sell it for $34, knowing it 
would most likely get sold the next day for $350? 
Or, how could I sell it for $350, when I promised 
my friends first crack at it and they can't 
afford the cel? 

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