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Re: What do you think about cel prices being too high? (Mon Apr 7 05:13:08 2003 )
snakeskii [View profile ]

I think they aren't going to get my money. It is 
very frustrating though, because sometimes they 
are nice cels. 

A good example of this is a couple of Samurai 
Troopers cels I saw on ebay the other day. They 
were nice, but I wouldn't consider bidding unless 
they were about a third of their listed price, 
and I don't think many collectors of the series 
would be willing to bid on them either (except if 
they were ultimate wishlist cels or something). 
The seller *might* have bought them for those 
prices, but I certainly don't think they will 
sell for that now. (Heck, I'll be happy if I can 
break even on the one I'm trying to sell right 
now that I paid $25 for back when the series was 

I have no problem with people making a profit on 
cels if the market is letting them do it, but to 
ask those kind of prices when the market isn't 
there is just kind of silly. 

Ex: Remember the beanie baby craze? I sold one of 
those things for over $1000 back then, but I 
would never be able to get that sort of price for 
it now. If I had sold it for the original $5.00 
price, someone else would have snatched it up and 
made the profit instead. It was just the market 
back then, and I am not ashamed of the profit I 
made, because someone (several people actually) 
was willing to buy it for that price.

-who is also bored and has nothing to do-

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