>It took one of my friends almost 2 month to get
>permission from TOEI. I thought she was going to go
TOEI really ?
Now I just don't believe you, Or maybe your friend has
better connections than my friend. Because TOEI
doesn't let other companies (people) produce cels.
There are some companies in Japan producing
licensed Reproduction cels and Post Production Cels
in Japan. Now these companies have rights to produce
copies or one off cels as in the case with PP Cels and
Guess what, even though they purchased the rights
they still cannot sell them directly overseas. Do you
think copyright holder would give them the rights when
that won't give a Japanese Company them ?
FACT 2 :
Once painted Repro Cels and PP Cels normally get
shipped back to the copyright holder where each cel
is individually checked, and trust me they go over them
Do you think they are doing this ?
FACT 3 :
Even though if you have purchased the rights there are
some scenes you just cannot reproduce.(Long Story)
FACT 4 :
Japan is the most red taped country around, If you think
this person has the rights to do this you didn't learn to
much while you were here.
Personally I see nothing wrong with fan art work
1) You don't copy screen caps or art-books.
2) You *try* and make an effort to do original artwork,
if you are basing it on someone else's work
3) You don't sell it nnless you have the rights to and
if you are going to sell it, sell it for no more than the
Because it is fan workyou have NO RIGHT to charge
people for the TIME it took you to produce,Unless the
artwork IS original.
>Personally m myself I do not have the connections,
>nor do I work in the industry.]
Why did you reply to me then ?
If you have no knowlegde in what in takes to get the
permission from studios then your reply is meaningless
No need to reply to this unless you have some facts
to back you up.
Stephen Saito |