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Re: Re: Haruka sounds like a commercial (Fri May 23 01:32:33 2003 )
Haruka [View profile ]

They do more original poses/characters/situations 
than most people think. Screencaps are posted on 
ebay. They get commissions for original 
characters and situations through their site. 
They do not post them or re-paint screencaps many 
times. They paint them ONCE! Original designs and 
ideas by fans of a characters and situation are 
not auctioned off or sold independently because 
it was not their idea to be begin with. All you 
have to do is commission one to get an original 

They post their own fanart cels as well. They 
won't steal your ideas of characters or what not. 
So they do not just paint screencaps and steal 
cels from galleries. I am just sick of the forky 
bashers. Don't judge unless you have actually 
seen one of their cels in person, not a scan of a 

Fancels are a part of fandom and will never be 
stopped. Since they have the permission to paint 
screencaps in the first place, the owner of the 
cel from the screencap that is painted can't 
protest because the producing company in Japan 
overrides any 'rights' the collector has.

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