Will you people just grow up and get a life!!!
Deer Lord I have never seen so many pissy people
with nothing else to do but bash others. What is
this High School??? C'mon now really, What's
wrong? You all ot sick of making fun of
Hyperenity and Nissan so now it's Forkysanime
turn. I swear to god you people are worse than 5
year olds.
Have you not had enough??? I have sat here quitly
and hoped to god you all would grow up and just
drop it but it just isn't going to happen is
it??? Do you people get off of making fun of them
or something??? I mean really does it make you
feel better to belitle other people??? and have
any of you actually dealt with them before??? Or
has this all just started from one rumor and just
blew out of proportion so much that you all don't
even know what the truth is anymore and probably
wouldn't if it slapped you in the face???
I know I'm going to be flamed for this, and you
know what bring it on!!!
All you people think you're so smart here sitting
behind your computers with fake little nicknames
writing crap for the sake of posting something,
when I bet not a single one of you would even
have the balls to actually tell Forkysanime
themselves what you think of their work. Because
you know just as well as I do that they are
damned good artists and I think that's what
scares you more than anything, that you people
actually like their work.
So why don't you people just quit bullshitting
around. I'm sorry if I'm coming off rude but no
where near as rude as all of you have been.
Oh no they have copied my cel waaa waaa waaa wine
wine wine HEEEEEEEEELLOOOO!!! It's called a
screen cap, or have you people not been
introduced to the new technolog better known as a
DVD. You just take you little dvd and put it
inside a computer, pop open the program and
screen cap to your heats desire... REALLY!!! It's
not that hard.
Take it from somebody who actually comissioned
from them, and original characters might I add,
they're good. They are incredibly professional
and the sweetest people that you could possibly
meet. They even taught me how to cel paint and
gave me a crash course in how to draw anime
characters. They have designed all of my
original fiction characters... and work in the
industry both in Japan and the States. And I
unlike you, have actually seen their original,
published work.
Their has been at least half a dozen people on
this forum who have bought from them and have
actually commented on how proffessional their
work is and yet you people somehow in your warped
little minds still think you know better when I
bet most of you have never even exchanged as much
as a single word with them.
I'm am soooo sick and tired of this bashing
frenzy, I swear to god you people have nothing
better to do, and you somehow really do get off
of bashing people.
and at least I have the guts to sign my name,
Flame Away
Li Hua |