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Re: Forky's Anime SUCKS ..trust me its not me thats the sad MF (Sun May 25 21:12:26 2003 )
Li Hua [View profile ]

I see once again you have not even bothered to 
read the post before you hit the reply button, as 
you have ignored the most crucial questions, that 
I've been asking from the beginning...

And are you so jealous that people actually like 
forkysanime that now you somehow in your warped 
little mind actually think that I am from 
forkysanime... heeeeeeeeeeeeello??? ::knocks on 
her head:: anything in theeeere??? has nothing 
you read or attemted to have even processed 
throught that thing you call a brain???  how sad 
is that???

The only thing I'm convinced of is that YOU're a 
fancel artist yourself and you're probably 
jealous because your cels turn out really shitty 
or something and that's why you wont post your 
name, because then everyone would know what a 
hypocrit you are.

And don't give me that crap I never posted here 
before.  Who the hell does that??? Who the hell 
starts off with a bitch post anyway??? And if you 
never have posted then WHY ight I ask you WHY did 
you start now??? Who asked you??? All poor Mouse 
did is ask for a dam link.  That's all, simple as 
that.  But noooooooooooooooo you had to "post for 
the very first time" and irritate all of us.  
What are you trying to see just how pissed of 
we're gonna get??? You getting off of this or 

Seriously WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY??? did you even 
bother posting if you weren't even going to be 
helpfull in the least bit.  Mouse didn't ask for 
your opinion she asked for a link. That's all.  
Simple as that!!!  So why bother.  What did this 
have to be "the first time" you posted.  What 
couldn't you think of a subject on your own to 
start off with if your starved for attention ass 
needed to post so badly.

And just because you "never posted here" before 
doens't mean that NOW all of a sudden you DON'T 
have to sign your name.  Your excuses just keep 
going down the drain.  First it's I'm gonna be 
chastised, now it's well this is my first time 
posting. what's it gonna be next??? I'd love to 
hear your new "excuse"...

There's a thing called responsibility, you 
know??? it's that thing where you have to be 
accountable for your actions.  Well this is 
pretty much the same thing...  If you have to say 
something FINE say it, but if you wont even back 
it up with as so much as your name, then how can 
we take you seriously??? I ask you once more.  Oh 
wait right you heard a rumor, isn't that what 
this is all about.  Someone started a rumor and 
then another idiot believed em, and now you've 
latched yourself on to the train ride.  Woohoo, 
YAY for you.

Rumor this and Rumor that...

Li Hua 

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