Are you for real??? Do You actually read what you
write before you hit the post button???
Where do you get off saying forkysanime have
shady practices??? Have you ever dealt with
them??? bought a cel from them??? or better yet
exchanged as much as a word with them??? Because
if the answere to all of those questions is no,
then you have no right to say that about them.
You must think very highly of yourself and your
opinions. You know all I hear from you people is
rumor this and rumor that. There's a reason
they're called rumors, they're not true.
And why are you being so childish about this???
How old are you??? And do you really base your
respect upon others according to what kind of a
cel collection they have??? No Offence but that
is beyond pathetic. Cel collecting is a hobby,
NOT a life!!! And anyone who values themself and
others according to their cel collection needs
some seeeeeeeeerious help... Respect is
something you earn not something you buy. Just
because someone own's a $1000 production cel
doesn't make them any better than someone who
own's a $30 fancel, for all you know that person
might have wanted to donate that extra $970 to a
charity, does that make them less respectable???
Do you guys have any idea how sad and pathetic
you all sound. Winning here like little babies
who just dropped their pacifiers... I have no
respect for people like you, you're no better
than a high school bully who picks on kid for
some stupid reason like they're not wearing
designer shoes.
Well how does it fill to have a taste of you own
medicine??? Does it feel good to be ganged up
upon??? Do you like people bitching at you???
Li Hua |