...that "amused" jerk is a lot more pretentious.
He changes his damned nick to look smart or
shocked or whatever about what the previous
poster wrote. Writing "amused" as a name to
answer yours is IMNSHO damned pretentious, I
mean, what's amusing about asking a logical
question and having a sensei-name? That jerk
feels better than many of us, he not only dare to
piss me off more than my dog does (which isn't
possible for a mortal - so he think's he's beyond
us mortals as well!).
Look, it's just a yellow-bellied brainless pile
of dung hiding behind smartass remarks and no
name at all. I also change nicks sometimes, but I
keep myself identifiable because I'm NOT as
fornicating low as to hide when I say something.
*makes the yankee dance*
Sensei ain't pretentious unless you chose the
name with the feeling of needing to teach us all
like some preacher.
Just like my Ore-sama. To me, it stands for "Try
and break/bend ME!" and for I don't run with the
mass only because some find it important to fit
in. It also represents my behaviour on street
like when perves address me. Plus, I feel great
being myself.
Plus, the "ore" comes from my male half. I don't
really like girls/women and I feel more at ease
in male company, plus I have quite a man's
manners (and I'm not talking gentlemen here). So,
yes, ore stands for my mental man half and sama
for "bruised, not broken"/selfesteem.
(meaning, nobody here needs to take offense from
Ore-sama unless anybody plans to break me...)
(and like Tohru-kun I drifted, sorry..)
My point is - a name like sensei or Ore-sama is
not pretentious as long as you don't mean to pee
higher than someone who doesn't try to make you
pee lower (dogs decide about ranks by how high
they pee. Many dogs stand on their front legs in
order to pee as high as gets...).
Aaaand, as I also say at the pet forum.... some
anonymous unIDable jerk's opinion is absolutely
invalid, BECAUSE opinions must be spoken in order
to be valid, BUT not IDfying yourself and
remaining unknown makes you a GHOST and GHOSTS
cannot talk as they don't exist and a nonexisting
person cannot say anything valid, because it just
doesn't exist ;)
And a word to the jerk, if you're not too scared
to stand by what you think and say which is only
normal, choose a name and keep it, darnit.
You also don't post any email address cuz you're
too damn scared to receive backfire. Meaning, you
knowingly only post in order to peeve, hurt and
to provoke, cowardly hiding behind no ID and
smartass N/T talk. Who's your daddy!
After a long rant, I will now re-dedicate myself
to my manga...
Ore-sama |