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Forgot one thing.... (Wed Oct 29 22:18:48 2003 )
Sky Rat [View profile ]

Oh right, thought I'd share how I lessened the 
pain of parting with $145.

I used to collect a lot of toys and posters from 
anime, but my interest has really shifted to art 
work instead of merchandise. So I focus on books 
and cels now, and decided to thin out a lot of 
the old stuff I had collected. 
So I listed a whole bunch of stuff on ebay 
(anime and other stuff) and managed to get 
around $70 or so, which took a lot of the bite 
out of spending so much on the chichiri cel. 

The last item I'm selling (still on ebay at the 
moment) is a really rare wall scroll of Tamahome 
I bought at an anime con a few years ago. The 
weird thing is, I felt more guilty about 
spending $25 on that wall scroll then I do 
spending $145 on the cel. So I decided to part 
with the scroll (which I could not really look 
at without thinking about how much I spent) in 
favor of getting a different rare/expensive FY 
item, which will have more meaning to me.

I don't think I could have really justified 
spending that much money though, if I hadn't 
sold some stuff in response.

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