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Re: This is one of the reasons I had taken my gallery down for a year in the past.. (Fri Feb 13 19:48:03 2004 )
Pomidor [View profile ]

Well said chipn. As you I do see the compelling 
and perhaps moral views of Drac's statement.
If someone made a fancel of one of my cels, it 
is not perhaps that I would be flattered, but I 
would think something along the lines "wow... 
how neat" and like chipn would probably view 
those peopel from above and feel somehow 
superior, boosting my ego.. in rather shallow 
ways, lol.

Of course if that person would sell this fancel 
posing as the original I would feel bad for the 
person who buys it, and if I could I would warn 
them. If that person was selling the fancel off 
as a fancel, I would not mind, after all they 
did make the fancel and if it is good enought to 
make others want to buy it, I can only 
congratulate them... my artistic skills start 
and end with stick figures.

Like Amina pointed out in her latest post, a 
fancel can be made (with just as much if 
success, depending on the skill of the artist of 
course) from a screen cap. This issue makes it 
hard to accuse fancel artist, at least from my 
point of view, as they can just as well turn 
around and say they made the cel from a screen 
cap. If this was true (or at least true to the 
point that it cannot be disproven) is it really 
fair to bash on those people just because you 
happen to own the cel from that sequence? The 
anwser will most likely differ for each 

If my scan was "stolen" so the person can simply 
put it on their website and claim it for their 
own, Im not sure what I would do, however I dont 
think I would be too bothered and I wouldnt kick 
up a fuss. Not because it wouldnt be 
aggrevating, because Im sure it would, but 
because I know I can look at the cell everyday 
and have no less joy from having it... and like 
Yann said, those people are in my view lazy and 
stupid and if I would kick up a fuss I would 
only be going down to their level.

All in all I belive that cel collection is much 
like collecting paintings. Some people buy 
paintings and store them hidden away from view, 
never looking at them and most certainly not 
letting anyone alse see them. Others hang them 
on wals and invite others over to see them, and 
even put them up in galleries and exhibitions, 
for other to appreciate. In cels collecting 
putting them up on your wall and letting others 
see, can be taken literally as we do frame and 
hang up cels, but also figuratively to mean 
online galleries. I personally would be in the 
second group of people, because I find joy in 
looking at the cels myself and at others looking 
and appreciating them. However like chipn said 
each to his own.


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