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Re: This is one of the reasons I had taken my gallery down for a year in the past.. (Thu Feb 12 21:23:16 2004 )
rekka [View profile ]

Ok.... Now, I could only get through about half 
of these threads before I had to stop and say 
something.  There's only so much "YES" "NO" 
banter back and forth that one can take in one 

Now, this is my opinion.  Cels are owned and 
copyrighted by their respective creators, anime 
studios.  They sell their cels out to dealers 
who then sell them to third parties: US.  When 
we buy cels, that should darn well give us (who 
actually have the cels within tangible reach) 
secondary copyrights to them.  I would like to 
contact a lawyer or someone to find the bottom 
line of what is actually legal or not.

Still the fact remains it would be complete CRAP 
to have found a wishlist cel, for example, to 
post a personally made scan of the cel for other 
fans to enjoy and have it "stolen" for another 
person to in essence copy the cel and sell it 
for profit.  It's crap and I don't agree with 

I have one minor story that is somewhere along 
these lines.  This occured several years ago, so 
please understand that the chronological order 
of events may be a little off.  I bought many 
cels from Mandarake while I was in Japan, many 
cels which I liked in the moment but not enough 
to keep long-term.  I ended up selling a RARE 
shot of a character from the Weiss Kreuz OVA for 
quite a lot of money.  While I had this cel on 
ebay, a fancel "copy" of my cel found its way to 
ebay as well.  I forget who contacted who first, 
but the seller of the fancel version was VERY 
kind and appologized up front for posting the 
fancel while I was trying to sell the original.  
They said they would retract the auction 
immediately.  I didn't have to say one word to 
get the person to remove the auction.  He did it 
voluntarily.  Now THIS is the way the cel 
business should go amongst collectors.  It's a 
sort of courtesy.

I think the whole original cel/fancel issue is 
an important one and the person who is doing the 
fancel making should take every precaution not 
to step on shoes.  If someone is a lawyer or is 
in contact with one, it might be nice to get a 
final answer on this so that there will be no 
more debates.  Sooner or later it has to stop.  

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