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Re: owner of cel has right to cel, studio owns the characters (Fri Feb 13 01:53:45 2004
Yann Stettler [View profile
> So, legally fan cel creaters doesn't need to
> have consent from the cel collector who owns
> the cel
This is forgery. This is not (only) a matter of
copyright. The owner of the real cel could
probably claim that people doing copies are
damaging the value of the original.
Not only it is illegal to cel a "fan cel" because
it's not licensed by the copyright holders. But
it's also illegal if the person buying it may have
done so thinking it was an original.
> Studio doesn't care if poeple draw their
> characters for fun,
They _usualy_ doesn't care if people draw their
characters. They certainly care if people do
forgery. For the simple reason that it lower the
value of their cels if none other.
There is an awfully big differance between
creating ones own image and doing a copy of a
Yann Stettler |
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