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Re: This really is it. . . Courtesy. (Fri Feb 13 00:41:41 2004 )
amina [View profile ]

and it's in the 
fancel maker who says "you're not going to hire a 
lawyer, so I'm going to do whatever I damn well 
please. blow me."   Frankly, I truly hope there's 
a special place in hell for this breed of jerk.

i dont think that thats a fair statement. its 
true that some fancel makers do try to rip people 
off and they are the bastards. the image was used 
with permission from a 3rd party source who did 
not own the image themselves. they DID NOT give 
credit to kathren for the use of her image, but 
passed it off to me blowing her off completely.
i would have given her credit for her image as 
if i wanted to use the image to make the cel i 
would have (as i always do) contacted her and 
asked her if i could use her scan. and if she 
would have said no then i would have left it 
alone. and i would not lie to her either. i would 
tell her that (A) the cel is for my personal use 
or (B) im going to reproduce it and sell it out.
the only way that this cel actually came about, 
is that someone emailed me and asked me for some 
screencaps (that i make myself) and did not see 
any that they liked so hunted around and showed 
me the site that i listed in another thread. 
instead of just stealing it i asked the gallery 
owner about it and then got it. then the person 
who's commission this was for, did not want to do 
it out of ebay, so that is how it was posted.

well i know now that some people just want 
bragging rights so i will do what i did in the 
beginning, just use my own screencaps or ask 
another person if i could use their screencaps.
instead of "scans" 
people ask me to commission fancels and some want 
it through ebay to insure a smooth transaction.
this is all i have to say about this matter, but 
if someone thinks that i have STOLEN a previous 
image, screencap or scan, on ebay. then you can 
email me 

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