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Um.... (Mon Apr 12 04:04:52 2004 )
vamppire [View profile ]

Sorry, I admit I didn't read most of your post, 
because you obviously didn't read mine.  I 
clearly said thats the way it makes it "seem" 
and I clearly said that it may not be true.  No 
where did I say that "no comments means you 
don't appreciate your cels."  That is stupid.  I 
said that it bugs me that they leave that kind 
of impression.  If they like their cels, I think 
they should say a few words about them.

It's really sad.. no matter how many disclaimers 
a person types to their message, people will 
always read what they want to read and then type 
out a long rant based on something that wasn't 
even said.  ~_~  I see it time and time again.

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