Hi everybody
I write to you because I have a big problem with
YJ auction and I'd like to have some advice from
specialists ;)
well I was bidding on my ultimate wishlist cel
and won it. it was with a friend's account. After
this I have contacted a deputy service to
complete the trade, as the seller doesn't ship
internationnally. this way was really okay the
others times. It can seem stupid o proceed like
this, but I can choose maximum bid like this
easilier and don't be outbid, and it was ultimate
wishlist cel. I was writting to the seller to
explain to her that a representatve japanese
person 'll contact her to complete transaction
and so for her it'll be an only japanese trade.
well she replied she wants to cancel the trade
because I was not japanese!! I don't understand
this situation. I tried to reach her again and my
contact too, but she doesn't reply at all. is it
a way to avoid cancellation? can I write to yahoo
japan ? can they do something for me? can someone
help me to get this dream cel? please help, I
don't want to lose this one. ;_;
thanks a lot |