Please, give it a rest, I'm sick of these attacks
and don't wish to see them and personaly don't
want to deal with you all who think I'm so
dissing two people and I'm such a bad person. All
those posts were done not for personal harm on
her-but to inform and never once did I intend to
harm her in any way, yet like you all here at the
bottom think so. We ALL are human like Deb. is
and sometimes mistakes like this happen. It did
and well, wanted to talk about my personal
struggle as many did share with me as well. Her
way of shiping might be great, but mine never
came great, and I never attacked her out of anger
or anything, but tried to protect her reputation
as much I could with trying to discuss it. If I
wanted to slander her, her name would have been
mentioned all over the board. Really now, think
long nad hard. And me talking this to you guys
and disagreeing is NOT dissing two people. OMG,
how did you come up with that thought? Don't I
own the right to disagree in a mature way and did
I seriously come down on anyone here? I don't
think so. You all put too much into all this,
picking out little things-oh, mentaly I tried to
harm her, or the image was enough-when I saw my
mistake and clearly posted right after it. I did
this and you already knew who I was talking about
because of the auction... Do you know how that
sounds? You are all just reading too much into
the posts, taking one little thing and blowing it
WAY out of porportion. Please, let us all be
mature about this and give it a rest. I doubt her
reputation was seriously harmed from this. Her
name was not thrown all over the board, if so, it
would have harmed it. We talked about this in a
resonable manor above and now someone switches to
making it way out of hnd. Stop and let's just let
it go before it grows into something bigger
please. I hope you can be mature and an adult in
this and see eye to eye that I meant no harm. She
was not attacked by me and never was and if you
all did know what cel it was-well, can't do
anything about it. I wanted to speak to all who
package like this to think long and hard and even
had others who agreed. It might not upset you
until it happens to you and this thread above had
nothing to do with her.
I'm sorry, but it upsets me you guys can hear one
or few people disagree then get defensive and
think it was a personal attack on her. OMG, I
told everyone to ship my cels like mine? WHERE? I
mentioned my way because someone started a thread
and lent some info on how I do it and so did
others too-not just me, so don't pick me out of
that thread please because others lent useful
information on how to package and we could share
our knowledge. If I did say it was packaged
wrong, that is my opinion-but I did not slander
her name in any of it. I would never put someone
down like that out of anger. I would put the UPs
down out of anger, but made it a point befor the
whole thread started it wasn't towards her. Why
would I even take the chance to diss someone or
slander, which I never did but you somehow think
so? No. It just was a post to gather some folks
together on this topic and share and you are
getting it way out of hand, a thread that was in
control. I tried my hardest to protect her image
while I shared my woes. Furthermore, this
conversation above was nothing about DEB. as
stated before or her job. I was pulling out in
general and well, you have to live and learn from
what happens and talk to others about it as we
did. |