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Re: Re: averyj ... about your packing comments... (Sun Jun 24 07:40:25 2001 )
Keys [View profile ]


	Titling your post as a call to all dealers and
collectors, telling people not to ship their cels
like yours was, saying the cel was not protected
at all and other such comments pretty much implied
that Debbye had somehow packed improperly and
dangerously.  Even without the accidental use of
the clearly marked image, the auction was so high
profile, I knew who you were speaking of before
reaching the bottom.  Implying that Debbye does
such a thing isn't good for her reputation, and
further more, it couldn't be further from the
truth.  I've always found Debbye's packages very
thick and hard to bend.  She obviously spends a
long time on them.  However, accidents do happen.

	Even though the rest of the thread went on about
the United States Post Office (USPS -- UPS is a
worse company on packages by far!), I think the
potential reputation damage was done early on. 
However, I and many people can attest to Debbye's
great job so far.  


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