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More Reis than EVA: I was the one.... (Wed Aug 30 14:58:59 2000 )


But that's the nature of the free market, 
especially regarding items that are in limited 
cold, hard fact of commerce personally, and I 
don't think that's cool.  It's not logical, you 

I think it's perfectly logical to dislike 
unnecessary middlemen, as they provide unwanted 
competition and often higher prices.  I manifest 
this dislike by refusing to buy from them (when I 
notice them), and very occasionally suggesting that 
others might not want to buy from them either.  I 
see some of the other posters on this topic as 
trying to make similar suggestions.  I definitely 
_do_ agree that people should manage to make their 
suggestions in a more civil and rational manner, 
and not throw around accusations of greed or evil.

However, "cold hard commerce" or not, the cel 
market is small enough to be intensely personal.  
In such a market there are great things like trust 
and friendship, but inevitably also grudges and 
resentment.  Such is life.  If someone gets their 
order in faster for a unique cel you really, really 
wanted only to dump it on eBay a day later, it's 
hard not to take that a bit more personally than 
overpriced groceries.


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