Okay people... If you DONT want people to save
your scans to HD... DONT put them on the web!!
I am talking as an artist as well here... someone
who keeps a gallery on the web is going to have
people taking their pics. End of it.
I don't put water marks on my cel pics (or my own
art). I have the real thing... right here in my
hands... Nothing beats that. They want to use my
Ferrio pics on a "We love Green Haired Bishounen"
site.. GO FOR IT! Sure, I would prefer they ask
and give me some credit, but I am not going to
have a heart attack for it.
If they have them posted as THEIR OWN PROPERTY...
well then, ISP's can be contacted and the matter
solved. (I have done this before).
I do like it when people put their web site addy
on their cels, simply so I can go back and visit
galleries again later... yes... I save cel pics to
my HD. No, there is nothing illegal about that,
they are for my own personal use. I use a lot of
them for references when I draw.
At any rate. I think a lot of you really over
react to this sort of thing... but that is your
own beliefs and just because I don't share them
doesn't mean I don't respect them. Bottom line,
Kero... is that it is all up to you and what YOU
feel is right.
Please send all flames to the e-mail address above
Your local Crzy person