Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: For the Record...Espcially for DBZ collectors (Wed Dec 22 01:07:17 1999 )
Alex H.


i'd just like to say that i disagree with you when you say
cel dealers that go to japan are just the same as someone who
sits online all day waiting for updates.  to wit:
1.  a trip to japan is extraordinarily expensive.  it requires
resources, time, dedication, etc.  plus, a dealer who buys 
something in japan and sells it here is making something 
available to us that we wouldn't otherwise have access to.
if i have to pay someone like yann a premium for his time and
effort, i don't mind too much.
2.  someone like funkotsusaishin, on the other hand, is 
buying something that we ALL have access to, and then reselling
them to us.  he says that we'd miss out on all these wonderful
cels otherwise, but it seems to me that we'd never miss these
things if he'd leave them alone on a site.  sitting online
all day requires relatively little energy, and the only
other expense incurred is the connection, which is a pittance
compared to a trip to japan.

to me, it's like this--if my friend went out to california
and bought a cel that i wanted to buy from her, i wouldn't 
mind paying her a little extra for her time and effort.  
however, if my friend bought a cel from image anime, in nyc,
and tried to sell it to me for twice what she paid, i would
definitely not do it.  it's just the way i feel, is all.

also, to whoever said cel collecting was an intensely emotional
you have no idea.  if there's a cel i adore that i lose to
a stranger or someone i don't like, i get very angry.  however,
if i lost the cel to a friend, i don't feel so bad about it.

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