Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: For the Record...Espcially for DBZ collectors (Tue Dec 21 17:14:30 1999 )
Lady Zatara

Hmm... well, speaking personally, some of us are just 
collectors who sometimes overspend (esp. when we collect
the expensive series, like Utena) - esp. us poor college
students who probably should not be addicted to cel 
collecting in the first place.  =)  I personally do not
buy cels to resell; sometimes things do not work out as I
want them to (ie. dumb lady hit my car about a month ago,
she had no insurance, cost me $800 to fix it).

As far as the "buy to resell issue"... well, that seems 
distasteful to me, but I guess people do what they have to.

Lady Z

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