Look, I'm really really sorry for
even posting the message I did.
The only reason why I did, is that in the
past it has helped telling people how their dealings and
service could improve (
it worked with a few dealer I was having trouble
with ).
Even if it doesn't seem to help at the time
,if enough people
say the same thing, at least they become
aware of the things people would like to see improved.
Whether people beleive it works or not is up to them.
And to Ukyou: I'm sorry that you seemed to get mad about
what I said ( it seemed so to me ) My statement about taking business coarses was not pointed at you in anyway, it
was just a general statement...
Anyway I'm very surprised
Pocket doesn't take into account the things their
customers have to say, frankly I find that odd, but
if that's the way they want to run their business
then ok, but they did lose one customer.
As for credentials, I'm glad that people
are happy with what they've got, that's the way it
should be. After all I myself am only 18 and have
two years under my belt in business and econimcs ( I'm
talking University here not HighSchool ) and I still
have another few years left. But I don't think that
people should insult the education that others have...
and that includes spelling^_^
Sorry to all that seemed to be offended or
misunderstood what I was trying to say.