> I don't want to sound rude or
> anything to you Ranma's Cute Fiance'
You may call me Ukyou. ;)
> but what you said doesn't make alot of sense.
Oh really? I suppose everyone interprits things a bit
> To send a polite e-mail is NOT
> telling someone how to run their
> bussiness, it's just a suggestion
> that in the future you'd like to see
> their service improve a bit.
Let me rephrase what I said. A lot of people don't
like to receive any kind of critisizm regarding their
business, wheather it's a constructive suggestion or what.
It appears that Pocket is one of those businesses, as I'm
sure that I'm not the only one that has emailed them a
> P.S.You'll hear the same thing if you
> take business, marketing and economics
> for two years.
Excuse me, ummm... not to be rude or anything, but you
really have no idea what my background is.
I have a masters in business administration, so you can
say that I've had something like 6 years of business,
marketing and economics, plus another 15 plus years of
experiance beyond that.