I have to say sorry twice.
1. Because this thread doesn't concern me a bit.
2. Because I got swept away by Nick's reply and
ended up putting you down. Although I read your
initial post (not thoroughly to be honest),
Nick's sharp tone captivated my attention far
more than yours did and he's got that way of
making everything sound funny, so I practically
automatically took his side. I don't know
whether he just made everything sound extreme or
whether that really was the simple truth, and I
don't even really care. All my experiences with
Animechaos ARE great, but maybe before getting
swept away by his post, I should have thought
about it all a little more or kept my mouth
shut - because shit happens, and even Nick is
not a deity but a human who makes mistakes.
Whether he made one with you or not - I don't
care, I simply don't have the right of defending
OR flaming someone without really knowing who
did what and why.
So I want to apologize for blindly putting you
down and I'm deeply ashamed of having done
exactly what I despise about others, which is
blindly taking sides with the "strong" and
tearing an easy target to shreds because they
displeased them in some ridiculous kind of way.
I no longer care about which of you is right, I
just wanted to say I'm sorry. I know very well
how it feels like to be caught in a flame war
you didn't mean to kindle (dunno about you, but
in my case that was dizziness, nausea, high
blood pressure, bursting head, cold sweat, heart
pounding, shaky hands,..) so I'm not qualified
to engage in one and I truly want to slap myself
for it, because I want to be better than a bunch
of rabid dogs who on one hand complain about
unfair treatment in Iraq and on the other hand,
act the same on the ever so anonymous internet,
the difference being that they have nothing to
physically assault someone.
(side remark: if anyone now gets pissy
about "rabid dog", know that the dialled number
answers. If you're not concerned, what need to
respond? ;))
I'm not taking sides here. Except for a few
online transactions with Nick, you're both
perfect strangers who live and die without
affecting my life. But as fellow human beings, I
want to give you the basic respect that's
included with the "Starter Pack" of human rights
everybody receives at birth, so there.
Anna |