"please don't belittle those of us who have
chosen to."
Hmm...let's see...
from Waffling's post, I see no direct insults or
belittling. On the contrary, I see comments like
"fine people" and being "in awe" of people's
generosity. The only _possible_ belittlement is
the statement "There is a part of me that is
appalled". Even in my statement, I said nothing
insulting other than that I considered not having
hurricane insurance in Florida not to be a
"proper decision"
However, in your reply to Waffling, you call
him/her "not very compassionate" and insinuate
that he/she would not help anyone in need and,
quite to the contrary, is out wasting his/her
money on frivoulous things while others are
In the reply to my message, you call Waffling
"insensitive" and myself "a jerk". Who is being
belittling and not respecting others opinions
and decisions on who to help and not to help?
To turn your phrase back on you, "If you choose
to help, then do...but please don't belittle
those of who have chosen not to." |