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Awww... (Fri Sep 24 18:28:50 2004 )
Lizzard (nli) [View profile ]

I have been really touched by the number of people
that have come forward to offer selfless help to
someone that, in many cases, they do not even know. 

I still feel a bit awkward about the whole thing,
though, as I am not someone who likes to take
charity. (Just ask Drac!) There are many people
who are in a far worse state than I. I have a tree
on my house, a dead fence, and structural damage,
but my neighbors lost everything, and a couple
down the road is missing.

I never would have set this up if the Anime on DVD
crowd had not made me do so, but I am happy to the
point of tears that so much has been raised. If I
can save even a quarter of the collection this
way, it will be more than I ever expected.

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