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sure, why not? (Fri Jul 12 15:38:12 2002 )
pale-nli- [View profile ]

i got a few cels that Im not sure where they 
came from. one is a really nice pan of this 
arrogant bad guy sneering. havent a clue where 
he's from at the moment. The price was good, the 
image was nice. I bought it. 
   I dont do it too often part of the thrill is 
watching an anime and finding your cel, but 
eventually Ill see the cel in action. If I hate 
it Ill sell it for about the same price..no big 
deal. If I like it..Ill do a happy dance and put 
it away.
  a couple of times Ive found a real gem or two, 
I bought three of my TNN cels before I saw the 
series because I loved Micheals character 
design. And TNN colors are the best around.
   Now Ive seen the show I feel pretty lucky to 
have them..

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