Good luck with your growth and exploration of new
As far as my own shopping habits go-- I collect
doujinshi, and I hire translators to translate it
for me. ^_^ I usually try to buy 5 or 6 volumes
of English manga per month, and usually will pick
up a few DVDs as well. I usually attend three or
four conventions per year on top of that. If you
want to chitchat offlist about shopping/consumer
habits, I'd be happy to give you more information
about what motivates me to buy from Person A
rather than Person B, and what different things I
look for in a dealer's room, versus buying
online, versus buying in a brick-and-mortar
store. I don't currently buy much in the way of
shitajiki/stickers/cards/clearfiles/ other little
things that are so prevalent in the dealer's
room, but I can think back to when I did, and see
if those motivations will help you any. :o) |