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Re: Yeah.. we realize that... (Fri Aug 9 00:37:38 2002 )
nli [View profile ]

So tell me, are you an animator?  Do you speak 
with Japanese animation houses?  How do you know 
I would be mocked?

I actually work in the animation field, and no, I 
would not be mocked. :P  I didnt read all the 
above posts, only a few, and the few I read 
prompted me to post what I did.  I just think 
it's absolutely silly the issue came so far.  I 
work with animation, and people from other 
companies who also work in animation.  The term 
CG is used widely, even when refering to computer 
painted animation.  No one would mock me because 
no one would care enough, they would know what I 
meant.  Last time I checked, there wasnt a 
standard vocabulary or dictionary amongst 
animators.... Most of them assume almost all 2d 
is colored in the computer now...so I think they 
know better :P Not trying to sound rude, Im just 
not keen on the fact that this is a REAL issue 
here.  It's just a term, even if it 
is "incorrect" (or so people like to make it out 
to be), people generally get the gist. 

Something else, I am told that Disney, for their 
straight to video releases, will only scan in the 
key frames.  The in betweens are all done using 
the computer.  This would mean that they are 
entirely computer generated, with the exception 
of the key frames, and perhaps some of the 
backgrounds.  So, CGI is a perfectly acceptable 
term in this regard.  I dont know if this is 100% 
accurate, it's just an example. 

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