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Re: feedback hostage scenario on ebay (Fri Jan 3 22:07:04 2003 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


Been there, seen that. . . Actually, most of the
"Power Sellers" with huge feedback ratings and 
piles of auctions going just plain never leave 
any feedback for me. (Even when I leave a positive
for them.) I think they forget. 9_9

But as far as feedback I leave, barring my uber-
forgetfulness, I try to leave feedback as soon as 
I get paid for an item. I also aim for description
and focus on concrete things. Feedback containing 
things like "item exactly as "described", "packed 
well", "shipped fast", "quick replies to e-mails".
Those all say more about a transaction than "A+ 
seller". (Although I will often add an "A+" if 
there's room and liked the seller/bidder.)

Anything other than pure description, and you 
know it's either someone I'm friends with, or a 
seller I've successfully dealt with repeatedly.

Many Sharp Smiles,

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