I'm sorry that all of this snowballed on you
at once. when it's just one, it's dealable, but 7
really takes a lot of money and trouble. I don't
think anyone can tell you what is right or wrong,
you have to decide for yourself. just don't treat
all cases as the same, because that puts the
people with legit reasons in the same pen as the
people who love to bid and *never* pay. I hate it
when a seller leaves negatives for any and all
offenses. as a seller myself, the only cases I
will leave negative feedback is if either the
bidder shamelessly takes 3 months to pay me $30
or if they are disrespectful or selectively
ignore my emails and try to skirt the issue
rather than tell me flat-out that they never
intended to pay. that's just me, but you have
your own policy and you should do what you feel
is justified.
/mina |