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Re: You're all such snobs... (Thu Jan 16 02:33:24 2003 )
ryoendymion [View profile ]

hm... my situation is kinda half half.

at school, only my roommates really know how many 
i have or how much some of them cost and they all 
think it's pretty cool that i collect cels, which 
is a good thing otherwise i'd have to change 
roommates! ^_^ 

they definitely don't feel as i do about cels but 
they'll just laugh at all the packages i send 
myself and indulge me when i feel like showing 
off the newest aquisition.

my family, on the other hand, has the attitude 
of "why are you wasting time and money on sheets 
of plastic with some paint on it." even my 
younger brother who's into anime shares that 
opinion o.O ... tho not to the extent my parents 

a couple of years ago when i had just started 
collecting and i was living at home, my entire 
family knew i was collecting and everytime they 
knew i got a package (which i tried to hide as 
much possible) my parents would get upset... 

now, my parents think i've stopped collecting and 
sold of most of my cels... i don't tell them 
where all the moeny i get from working goes... 
oops ^_^

... other than people i live with or used to live 
with, only about 20 other random people know 
about my cel collection. i was in a computer 
animation class last year with a bunch of cos 
majors. we were all suppose to do a short 
presentation on something related to animation so 
i brought in some cels and showed them off ^_^ 
hehe. they thought it was fascinating but then it 
never came up again ever... i don't think they 
even remember anymore. oh well :P

so.. now i don't remember where i was heading 
with this... i guess there really wasn't a point 
other than i generally don't tell anyone about my 
collection unless i know them really well or when 
i have no other choice... or something like 
that :)


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